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This condition, together with Muslim hegemony, exercised a corrosive action on structural bonds that had once held Christian communities together, thus preparing the Christian populace for religious conversion. The political and historical events of these conquests destroyed the Church as an effective social, economic and religious institution. This was largely the work of traditional Islamic institutions, heavily supported by the political and economic patronage of the new Turkish emirs, sultans and their followers. Finally, Byzantine culture in Anatolia, though effaced at the level of formal culture by Islamic formal culture, nevertheless exercised an important role in aspects of Turkish popular culture and technology. The preface of the book noted this in partial but great amplitude. It observes, as of the time of the completion of the text some 32 years ago, the need for new, detailed histories of the Seljuqs, the 'empires' of Nicaea and Trebizond, and of the very numerous, smaller Turkish emirates. Much of the history of Byzantine Anatolia had not been systematically reconstructed and analysed. Substantial works on the process of Islamization of the Armenians, Georgians and Syriac Christians, as well as of the Greek-speaking population, were lacking. Finally, comprehensive studies of the folklore and popular cultures of the Anatolian Muslims and Christians were in their infancy: 'The number and extent of desiderata surely indicate how imperfect and insufficient the present work must be.

Qui sommes-nous ?

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